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Where base units come from and how they are related to each other? The second, the metre and other base units are useful approximations for describing our universe. What we measure are mere ratios among measured values and base units. The fundamental question is how... What is mathematics? Counting. Counting what? Counting numbers. What does mean the number? What is the number? The definition of number cannot explain the nature of itself as a change of form or event. The number represents something distinguishable – a... All beauty in the world is not free, but needs boundary conditions – external or internal limitations. See solids, liquids and gases. For all beauty, formative art, craft, science, is expressed in solids, liquids, or gases. The more beautiful, the more gentle.... All mechanics is based on solids (or sufficiently compressed matter). Mechanics deals only with materials (atoms, molecules) in the solid state. Where there are no solids no rigid bodies, there is no mechanics. You might argue what about hydromechanics or... It would be better to write in the order of randomness, probability and necessity. For at the beginning is randomness of cpure chaotic behaviour then the probability of the states or events and at the end necessity od states, forms or events. Such is already a feature...
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